atlas by clearpeople

For Effortless Compliance on Microsoft 365

Raising hand with puzzle piece illustration transparent cyan

Atlas streamlines compliance management on Microsoft 365 and SharePoint

Break down silos
A connected structure across departments and teams, to consolidate data and have one source of truth.

Increase collaboration
Make it easy to find, share and contribute information, and to connect people and knowledge.

Maintain compliance
Information is properly tagged and can be targeted at specific departments and people.

Mandatory Reads Screens complete

Keeps employees up to speed with regulatory change

  • Atlas makes compliance on Microsoft 365 simple, visual and easier to share, leading to greater engagement and understanding.
  • Information in Microsoft 365 and SharePoint can be automatically and easily targeted to ensure critical information and messages get to the right people
  • Valuable, authoritative knowledge that people can trust and rely on is up to date.
  • Mandatory reads ensures key documents are read and stores them within the user's profile if they need to re-read it.

Automate and centralise information on Microsoft 365

  • Automated naming conventions, approved templates and automated metadata on Microsoft 365, enable people and teams to self-serve
  • By consolidating and classifying information in one central place on Microsoft 365, team activity and user compliance is simplified.
  • Provide new starters with a signposted experience with the right compliance information and less manual intervention.
Atlas digital workplace platform makes knowledge an asset with a yellow head opening with flowers, Item styles Themes, Image Filters, Intensity dots

Enable collaboration between departments

  • Knowledge and learnings across the business can be shared more easily ensuring mistakes aren’t repeated.
  • Secure and structured collaboration areas on Microsoft 365, where information is shared (either internally or with external parties) are easily created
  • Information in Microsoft 365 is properly tagged, classified and labelled using a combination of automation and user prompts.

6 ways Atlas makes compliance management effortless

Reduces breaches

Content is automatically classified within Microsoft 365, with the relevant policies applied to it.

Simplify the complex

Employees are able to self-serve while governance is upheld.

Target specific users

Information can be targeted, to ensure critical information gets to the right people at the right time. 

Save hours of time

Freed from low-value tasks, the compliance team can instead focus on its areas of expertise.

Improves collaboration

Atlas provides secure and user-friendly Microsoft 365 workspaces to meet, share files and work.

Increases engagement

Provides employees with faster, simpler and signposted access to policies and guides.

Achieve Microsoft 365 compliance while making engagement and collaboration easy

Atlas helps to overcome the ongoing struggle to break down silos and increase collaboration between departments while maintaining compliance, by using Microsoft technology that your users are already familiar with.

Why not have a look for yourself. Book a demo now.

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Book an Atlas demo for Effortless Compliance on Microsoft 365